Brock Eagle Booster Club
Monthly Meeting Agenda
May 8, 2023
Call to order-Chad Martin 1805 - Crystal motion to start;2nd Jen Martin
Review/Approval of Minutes- April 3, 2023 meeting
Minutes approved by Crystal 2nd Ashley all approved no objections.
Treasurer Report- Ashley Riker
-$88,656.19 in bank; $21k in Paypal (to be transferred); Invst account to look up.
Director Reports:
● Events – April Parr
-Casino Night: see attachment; Options: Each class does a silent auction basket/item.
-Committees; how to schedule volunteers.
-Contact April Parr to help or question.
● Merchandising – Amber Gordon
-Coming up with designs and transitioning to the new trailer.
● Public Relations/Website – Crystal Stephens
-Acknowledging sponsors on social media.
● Hospitality – Royann Williams
-Contact last year's sponsors for the press box and see if they want to renew.
● Media Guide-Amanda Buford
-Schedule for programs, working with Linsey.
-Suggestion to work up an ad in the program to Thank the Brock community for passing the Bond.
-Closed dates for pictures July 24-28 then open to everyone 8-1 to 8-14. -Mr. Marcath and the graphic team will do the online/QR program for home games.
● Membership – Kimberly Waller
-8 community, 12 corp, 23 football family, 5860 total
● Concessions
– Monica Dunaway nominated and appointed by Chad Martin effective immediately.
Old Business:
Scholarship for 2022 seniors- Ashley Riker
-see attachment for students awarded
-revisit budget
Wrap & Decals for War Wagon & Merch trailer- Ashley Riker
-Merch trailer partial wrap $1950, War wagon trailer $3600 total
-Beau approved a budget of $6000, Ashley 2nd, all approved with no opposition.
New Business:
Locker room work day- Beau Tanner Change out carpet, paint donated, May 30th 9am start time until finish. $2500 donation/sponsor needed for signage.
Scoreboard- Beau Tanner/Billy Mathis Scoreboard sponsorship expired, New board $600k for electronic scoreboard and marquees.
Stadium Lights need to start over poles too old to just replace bulbs
Concession chair- Monica Dunaway(appointed;effective immediately)
Budgets July 2023-June 2024 See attached
-Concessions $25,00 -Merchandise $62,000 -Media $17,000 -Hospitality $1600 -Events $45,000 -Scholarship $30,000 -Total $178,100 -Kimberly motion to pass budget; Amber 2nd; all in favor, no opposing.
War Wagon Speakers- Chad Martin Scott Fuller driving 2023 until playoffs, going to get an estimate to Chad before the season starts. TBD Add to next meeting
Appoint 7th and 8th grade directors -May to May terms -April Thompson for 8th grade director Ashley nominated; Cat Drikas 2nd. Unanimously passed. -Blandy Brown 7th grade director. Ashley nominated Beau 2nd; Unanimously passed
Guest Speaker:
Ryan McDonald- State Farm
Motion to adjourn Amber Gordon; Cat Drikas 2nd
Chad Martin adjourn time 1942
Next meeting: June 5, 2023 6:00 p.m.