Brock Eagle Booster Club
Monthly Meeting Agenda
March 5, 2023
Chad Martin- Call to order 1807
Review/Approval of Minutes- Feb 13 meeting Kimberly Waller motion; Cat Drikas 2nd all yes, no nos
Treasurer Report- NA
Director Reports:
● Events – April Parr
*Night of Champions-May 1 6:00-7:00
-Mathis to set up, make the boys shirts, talk about bond, track & powerlifting fundraiser
-concessions, sno-cones, booster member drive
-donate old Brock Merch to resale?
*Upcoming Fundraiser-see attached breakdown
-tent for food and or music?
-deadline to have venue and tickets in place byMay
*committees needed
-advertise what we have been able to purchase for program
-need a big ticket item to raffle
● Merchandising – Amber Gordon
*Ag department to build shelves
*need it wrapped
● Public Relations/Website – Crystal Stephens
*add to Chad Massey
*smore; athletics page
● Hospitality – Royann Williams
● Program – Amanda Buford
*working on it
● Membership – Kimberly Waller
*website down to update membership levels
-corporate: $250 with advertisement space in program
-family $50- sticker
-BYA discount- $30 with player name and age
● Concessions – redefine the position to have the director order and inventory; let 7th and 8th grade directors partner to set up opening and closing and sign up genius
*crystal updated 2023 inventory
*night of champions- drinks, sno cones
Old Business:
Bookkeeper-Ashley Riker
$400 monthly on retainer
Amber Gordon motion to approve $400 monthly for bookkeeper; Kimberly Waller 2nd; all yes, no no’s
Scholarship-april 1
New Business:
7th and 8th grade directors for 2023-2024
Brandi Parenteau appointed by Chad Martin, President, to the treasurer position.
Emmy Watkins will be removed from the board and Cat Drikas is appointed by Chad Martin to fill the position of secretary.
Budgets due-will vote on next meeting
Movement to adjourn by Matt Drikas, Crystal Stephens to 2nd-all yes, no no’s
Next meeting: April 3, 2022 6:30 p.m.