Brock Eagle Booster Club
Monthly Meeting Agenda
April 3, 2023
Chad Martin called to order 1833
Review/Approval of Minutes- March 5, 2023 meeting
Jason Parr-Motion to approve; Matthew Drikas second- all approve, no objection
Treasurer Report- Brandi Parenteau
-Met with the bookkeeper to start the process 04-03-2023.
Director Reports:
● Events – April Parr(Jason Parr filled in)See Attachment
● Merchandising – Amber Gordon
-Met with Mr. Sullivan about HS Ag students to outfit the new merch trailer.
-Night Of Champions garage sale. Start collecting at Int and Elem school next week.
● Public Relations/Website – Crystal Stephens (NA)
● Hospitality – Royann Willimas (NA)
● Media Guide-Amanda Buford
-Talk with Tommy to get a timeline for the next meeting.
-Ashley spoke to John Tarrant for a media program to hand out at games. (Rosters for both teams and possibly QR Code)
● Membership – Kimberly Waller
-Went over the 3 different types of memberships for everyone in attendance at the meeting.
-Link is open to the public, wrong info. Tiger working on mock ups for a new Brock flag.
● Concessions – open
Old Business:
Scholarship for 2022 seniors
-11 scholarships given 10 players 1 trainer
-Currently $1000 each, look at the budget next year for larger classes.
Coach Brewster Retirement Honor
Bookkeeper update-Ashley Riker
-Tia to use excel instead of QuickBooks.
New Business:
Budget submissions:
· April Parr (Jason Parr) Events:
-Night of Champions: No funds required, water donations; see attachment
-Meet the Eagle: $650; see attachment
-Casino Night: $27,000; see attachment
-Football Banquet: $9,000; see attachment
· Amber: Merch trailer: Apparel $40,000 Hats $10,000 Boomsticks $12,000 total $62,000 (possibly more for new flags. Currently out of stock)
· Amanda Buford: -$17,000 requested for the media budget.
· War Wagon Speakers- Chad Martin
-Spoke with Scott Fuller to get an estimate.
· Investment account-Phil Garcia
-Meet with the board members.
· New Safe for concessions (Maybe in the future)
· Next meeting: May 8, 2023 6:30 p.m. location?
-Move to Ashley’s office 2501 HWY 1189.
· Beau Locker Room update/maintenance: new carpet (epoxy) in the locker rooms and new paint. First week we are off around 5-31-2023 to be done before 6-5-2023 meeting on Wed 4-5-2023 at 3 for budget.
Motion to adjourn Ashley Riker; 2nd by Matthew Drikas
Meeting adjourn by Chad Martin 1942
Next meeting: May 8th, 2023 6:00 p.m.