Brock Eagle Booster Club
Monthly Meeting Agenda
February 13, 2023
Chad Martin-Call to order. 6:32 18:32
Review/Approval of Minutes- Jan 9, 2023 meeting April Parr, Crystal 2nd, all approve
Treasurer Report- NA
Director Reports:
● Events – April Parr
Tentative dates:
Aug 5th meet the Eagles, Aug 19th-Casino night
● Merchandising – Amber Gordon-need to get new trailer ready
-update old trailer and War wagon trailer
-possibly auction off old merch trailer
● Public Relations/Website – Crystal Stephens
-not fully transitioned but has access
-1st post was made to announce this meeting on FB
-trying to decide what to do about not having full permissions for FB
● Hospitality – Royannn Williams-NA
● Program – Amanda Buford
-more to come
● Membership – Kimberly Waller
-general e-mail through gmail account and ask members to renew
-also post on FB to remind for renewal and for new memberships
-QR code renewal?
-easiest way is through website
-corporate, family, community, BYA,
● Concessions – NA-need a volunteer
-2nd trailer cons, no lights in that area and drinks could be a hassle
-maybe do it on big nights
-split opening and closing responsibilities and update SOP
Old Business:
Football Banquet-Ashley Riker
Christ Chapel was free and great
Tipped AV $300
$4624 Boo-Rays-tipped $800 plus $400 labor fee
$16.50 a plate < than Comfort Kitchen
Next year make football players RSVP
Scholarship-Chad Martin
-trainers included, trade school or college, proof of enrollment, 1 exception in 2022 and 1 exception in 2023
-apply online
-no longer requiring reference letters
-500 word essay
-deadline to Mrs. Hurst
-coming up with budget number
2 serving lines
Awards were expensive and we may need to shop around to cut costs
Could check with Maureen Malloy
Food and awards were biggest expenses
New Business:
Bookkeeper-Ashley Riker
Need someone dependable to meet deadlines and be organized
Amy Moody’s bookkeeper is $150 and would chg BEBC $100 an hr-possibly remove from treasurer role
Separate bookkeeping from Treasurer role
Bookkeeper guidance on different payment methods and categorization
Fundraiser-Chad Martin/April Parr
-scoreboard sponsors renewal
-need to find terms and decrease them for future sponsorship terms
Fall Schedule
-July 31st 1st practice
-Varsity pic for meet the Eagles on 1st day of practice
-Meet the Eagles Aug 5th